Hi. I'm a Software Engineer.

I'm a web developer by trade, and a game developer by passion.


TripAdvisor (2018 - Present)

  • Senior Technical Manager 2022 - Present
  • Technical Manager 2020 - 2022
  • Senior Software Engineer 2018-2020
    • Technical lead for small team to implement, maintain, and grow data science model implementations to drive search results for hotels product

Vistaprint (2011 - 2017)

  • Senior/Lead Software Engineer, July 2014 - 2017
  • Technical lead on a small scrum team, whose mission statement is to maintain the functionality of legacy digital products, expand the product line with social offerings (Facebook, Pagemodo, etc), and to upgrade the existing subscription-model to and extendable platform.
  • Primarily C#, SQL Server, Mongo, Redis, MVC with Razor, Javascript, CSS/Less/Sass. Also various nuget libs (Service Stack, RestSharp, etc)
  • Work cross-location, organizing stories between two agile teams to deliever a product.
  • Work with in-house legacy subversion repository with custom CI
  • New platform includes Atlassian Stash (Git repo), Jenkins CI, Ivy/Artifactory, Puppet
    • 3rd party backend RESTful client and server services.
    • Moving towards microservices architecture.
  • Communicate technical state directly to Product Owners and Stakeholders.
    • Assist with product user story prioritization
    • Communicate risks, timelines, and technical priority

Pontoon City (2012 - Current)

  • This is my side project. I've always been interested in Video Game development and this allows me to continue my work in that field.
  • Mostly written in C#, but bits and pieces in python, and nodejs
  • Its mission is to be a mod-driven game platform
  • Run facebook ads, contact users via email campaigns
  • Integration with statistics platforms (Google, Twitter, and GameAnalytics), as well as Amazon Payment services
  • Web Stack includes: Mono Web Services (XPS), Redis, and PostgreSql

Ludum Dare Entries

  • Ludum Dare is a Game Jam
  • LD31 Entry
    • Wrote server in nodejs with expressjs
    • Client side plugins include: require, backbone, pixi, proton, soundjs, sax, handlebars
    • See code on bitbucket
  • LD34 Entry
    • Unity engine project to take concepts from the old sand game and turn it into a simple platformer
    • See code on bitbucket

Instructor, Internal Drive Summer Camps (Summer 2009, 2010)

  • Taught students, aged 12-17, basic computer programming in C++, Java, and HTML
  • Developer curriculum to cater to a class of 8-14 students, with assignments and examples
  • Worked at Adelphi University, Fordham University, and University of British Columbia

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (2007 - 2011)

  • Graduated 2011, B.S. Computer Science
  • Worked as a Teaching Assistant (CS II) from 2008 - 2010
  • Undergraduate Research Program (RCOS). Microcontrollers for hybrid-car. 2009

Chris LaPointe

Another site of Code

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